
     第四届中国国际消费品博览会期间,为庆祝《中欧地理标志协定》生效三周年,我会与欧盟驻华使团在现场设展“中欧地理标志展示馆”,并于4月13日下午举行开馆仪式,金华火腿、洞庭山碧螺春、延安苹果、金华两头乌、西班牙火腿、意大利红酒等百余种中欧互认地理标志产品亮相展台。法国驻广州总领事Sylvain FOURRIERE、法国驻广州总领馆经济领事Camille Fourmeau、欧盟驻华代表团Wojciech Ptak、西班牙驻广州领馆经济商务参赞Jamie Lorenzo、海南省委常委、纪委书记陈国猛、商务部外贸发展事务局副局长邓波、中国欧洲经济技术合作协会副理事长潘锋共同出席开馆剪彩仪式。湖北省、江苏省、内蒙古自治区等各省市领导参与该馆巡馆活动。









  Opening Ceremony of the

EU-China GI Pavilion at CICPEa

To celebrate the third anniversary of the EU-China GI Pavilion, together with EU Delegation to China, the EU-China GI Pavilion was held at the 4th CICPE. In the opening ceremony of the pavilion in 13th April, Jinhua Ham,. Dongting Mountain Biluochun Tea, Yanan Apple, Jinhua Pig, Spanish Ham, Italy Wine and over hundreds of GI products were shown. Sylvain FOURRIERE, consul general of France in Guangzhou, Camille Fourmeau, Economic Counsellor of Consulate General of France in Guangzhou, Wojciech Ptak, Agricultural Counsellor of EU, Jamie Lorenzo, Economic and Commercial Counsellor of Consulate General of Spain in Guangzhou, Chen Guomeng, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee, Secretary of Hainan Provincial Party Committee for Discipline Inspection, Deng Bo, the Deputy Director-General of the Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, Pan Feng, Chairman of CEPCTE, attended the opening ceremony and the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Leaders of Hubei Province, Jiangsu Province, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and other provinces and cities participated in the tour of the pavilion.

Pan Feng said that even with the world economy is facing up and down but the total export in 2023 to EU still reached $1.86 billion, and China is the third export destination of EU agri products. The increasing export number demonstrated the solid foundation of EU-China agri food cooperation. As an important platform for GI, the EU-China GI Pavilion can let Chinese people know more about the merits of EU products and strengthens the cooperation between China and EU. Looking beyond, we hope more Chinese products can be purchased by consumers in EU.

The EU-China GI Agreement, taking effect in March 1st, 2021, provides solid protection for EU-China agri products. Currently, 96 EU products and 100 Chinese products enjoy the mutual protection. For another 175 products from each side will also be included into the protection in 2025.

During the event, Ann Derwin, Irish Ambassador to China came and visit the pavilion. Mr. Pan exchanged ideas with her on China-Ireland economic cooperation, GIPE 2024, as well as the business delegation’s visit.