
2024年9月20日第三届中外地理标志产品博览会在四川省泸州市开幕。这是在2020年欧盟与中国达成《欧中地标性地理标志协定》(以下简称《协定》) 之后又一次重大的双边地理标志展示和推广活动。上午九时三十分,西班牙国家馆进行开幕仪式,西班牙驻成都总领事Carlos Sáenz de Tejada Gorman、欧盟驻华代表团农业参赞江广道Wojciech Ptak、西班牙驻华使馆商务参赞荣帆Estefanía Roncero Fernández、西班牙农业参赞阿方索 Alfonso Pino、外交部-中国政府欧洲事务特别代表吴红波、泸州市委副书记、市长余先河、商务部外贸发展事务局局长刘殿勋、中国欧洲经济技术合作协会副理事长潘锋出席。




  Spanish Pavilion at the GIPE 2024

On September 20, 2024, GIPE 2024 opened in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province. This is another major bilateral GI exhibition and promotion event after the 2020 EU-China Geographical Indications Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement"). The opening ceremony of the Spanish Pavilion took place at 9:30 a.m. with the presence of Carlos Sáenz de Tejada Gorman, Consul General of Spain in Chengdu, Wojciech Ptak, Agricultural Counselor of the Delegation of the European Union to China, Estefanía Roncero Fernández, Commercial Counselor of the Embassy of Spain in Beijing, Alfonso Pino, Agricultural Counselor of Spain, Wu Hongbo, Special Representative of the Chinese Government for European Affairs, Yu Xianhe, Mayor of Luzhou, Liu Dingshun, Director General of the Trade Development Bureau of of the Ministry of Commerce, Pan Feng, Vice Chairman of CEATEC attended.

Spain is one of the three EU member states with the most recognized geographical indications, and its 372 geographical indications, including Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGI), also cover a wide range of products: from wines and spirits to meats, cheeses, honey, olive oils, fish and other products.