
9月20日,中欧地理标志展示馆开馆仪式在泸州国际会展中心正式举行,爱沙尼亚驻华大使Hannes Hanso、法国驻成都总领事Guillaume DELVALLEE、德国驻成都总领事Aron Mir Haschemi、西班牙驻成都总领事Carlos Sáenz de Tejada Gorman、欧盟驻华农业参赞 Wojciech Ptak、中国政府欧洲事务特别代表吴红波、泸州市委副书记市长余先河、商务部外贸发展事务局局长刘殿勋、中国欧洲经济技术合作协会副理事长潘锋、商务部欧洲司原司长、中国投资促进会副会长周晓燕等二十余位中外嘉宾出席本次开馆仪式。





  EU-China GI Pavilion at GIPE 2024

On September 20, the EU-China GI Pavilion opened in the Luzhou International Exhibition Center. Hannes Hanso, Estonia Ambassador to China, Guillaume DELVALLEE, French Consul General in Chengdu, Aron Mir Haschemi, Germany Consul General in Chengdu, Carlos Sáenz de Tejada Gorman, Spain Consul General in Chengdu, Wojciech Ptak, Agricultural Counselor of the Delegation of the European Union to China, Wu Hongbo, Special Representative of the Chinese Government for European Affairs, Yu Xianhe, Mayor of Luzhou, Liu Dingshun, Director General of the Trade Development Bureau of of the Ministry of Commerce, Pan Feng, Vice Chairman of CEATEC, and Zhou Xiaoyan, former director general of the European Affairs of MFA, attended.

The EU-China Agreement on Geographical Indications, which entered into force on March 1, 2021, provides a strong guarantee for the trade of agricultural products between China and the EU. According to the data provided by the EU-China Geographical Indications Pavilion, a total of 96 EU GI products are now legally protected in China, and the first 100 Chinese GI products are legally protected in the EU market. In addition, the agreement incorporates a second batch of 175 Chinese geographical indications products, which will be protected within the next four years.