126日下午,上海中欧中心理事长潘锋与国际地理标志网络组织常务董事Massimo Vittorio进行线上工作座谈。双方就地理标志发展情况、中欧地理标志发展联盟、中外地理标志合作路径等议题交换意见。中国标准化研究院张瑶、上海中欧中心主任杨拴昌、副主任黄薇陪同参会。   



Pan Feng Meets with Massimo Vittori

On the afternoon of January 26th, Pan Feng, chairman of the CEPCTE, had an online meeting with Massimo Vittorio, managing director of oriGIn. The two sides exchanged views on the development of geographical indications, the Europe-China GI Development Alliance, and the future GIs cooperation. Zhang Yao from China National Institute of Standardization, Yang Shuanchang, director of CEPCTE, Huang Wei, deputy director, attended the meeting.