
当地时间11月26日晚,中欧协会副理事长潘锋在布鲁塞尔会见欧盟农业总司国际关系司前司长John Clarke,双方就中欧地理标志协定、地理标志推广活动、中欧地理标志发展联盟等议题交换了意见。


11月27日上午,潘锋赴欧盟总部与欧盟农业委员办公室主任Maciej Golubiewski座谈,双方就中欧农业地理标志合作、第三届中外地理标志产品博览会、海南消博会、中欧地理标志圆桌论坛等议题进行了深入交流。

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Pan Feng Visits Belgium

On the evening of November 26, Pan Feng, vice chairman of CEATEC, met with John Clarke, former director for International Relations at DG Agriculture in the European Commission. The two sides exchanged views on the China-EU Agreement on Geographical Indications, the promotion of geographical indications and the China-EU Union for the Development of Geographical Indications.

On the morning of November 27, Pan Feng went to the EU headquarters to have a discussion with Maciej Golubiewski, head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Agriculture. The two sides had in-depth exchanges on China-EU cooperation on geographical indications, the third Global Geographical Indications Products Expo, the Hainan Consumer Expo and the China-Europe Geographical Indications Roundtable Forum.

On the morning of November 28, Pan Feng had a work discussion with Peng Gang, minister and head of Economic and Commercial Office of the Chinese Mission to the EU, Lu Bo, agricultural counsellor on China-Europe agricultural cooperation, Global GI Products Expo, China-Europe Geographical Indications Roundtable Forum and other topics. Huang Wei, secretary-general of CEATEC-EUWC, and Lu Zhangmeng, deputy secretary-general, attended the above events.


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