
     2023年9月19日第二届中外地理标志产品博览会在四川省泸州市开幕。这是在2020年欧盟与中国达成《欧中地标性地理标志协定》(以下简称《协定》)之后又一次重大的双边地理标志展示和推广活动。上午九时,意大利国家馆进行开幕仪式,意大利驻重庆总领事施启帆(Fabio Schina),意大利阿斯蒂省长兼市长毛里齐奥·拉赛罗(Maurizio Rasero),意大利对外贸易委员会北京办事处首席代表暨中国区以及蒙古国总协调官张保龙·布鲁诺(Gianpaolo Bruno) ,意大利驻华大使馆农业专员李大伟(Davide Liberati),泸州市委副书记、市长余先河,泸州市市委常委李堂兵,商务部外贸发展事务局局长吴政平,中国欧洲经济技术合作协会欧盟工作委员会会长杨拴昌出席。





Italian GI Pavilion at GIPE 2023

On September 19, 2023, the 2nd Global Geographical Indications Products Expo, another major bilateral GI display and promotion since the Agreement on the Protection and Cooperation of Geographical Indications between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the European Union in 2020, opened in Luzhou city, Sichuan Province. The Italian National Pavilion opened at six, and Fabio Schina Consul General of Italy in Chongqing,  Maurizio Rasero, Governor and Mayor of Asti, Gianpaolo Bruno, Coordinator of ICE/ITA offices in China and Mongolia, Davide Liberati, Counsellor for Agriculture of the Italian Embassy in China, Yu Xianhe, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Luzhou Municipal Committee and Mayor of Luzhou, Li Tangbing, Member of the Standing Committee of CPC Luzhou Municipal Committee, Wu Zhengping, Director-General of the Department of Foreign Trade Development of the Ministry of Commerce, Yang Shuanchang, President of the CEATEC-EUWC, attended the opening ceremony.

Co-hosted by the Italian Embassy in China, the Italian Foreign Trade Commission (ITA) and jointly organized by the Italian Chamber of Commerce of China, the Italian National Pavilion has a total area of 200 square meters. More than 60 kinds of Italian GI products certified by the Agreement are displayed in the pavilion, among which 24 GI products have been tasted through a series of activities, including 14 kinds of wine, 7 kinds of cheese, 1 kind of meat products and balsamic vinegar and spirits.


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