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     9月19日,欧盟地理标志展示馆开馆仪式在泸州国际会展中心正式举行,欧盟农业总司亚太地区负责人 Catherine Combette,欧盟驻华农业参赞 Wojciech Ptak,欧盟农业总司政策官员Georges-Henry Carrard,泸州市委副书记、市长余先河,商务部外贸发展事务局局长吴政平,中国欧洲经济技术合作协会副理事长潘锋等二十余位中外嘉宾出席本次开馆仪式。

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     今年是中国同欧盟建立全面战略伙伴关系20周年,也是中欧地理标志协定签署三周年。该协定于 2021 年 3 月 1 日正式生效,协定不仅保护中国和欧盟标志性农产品品牌,保护地方特产和农民利益,同时也致力于切实提高中欧消费者对于双方优质农产品与美食文化传统的认知。


EU Pavilion at GIPE 2023

On September 19, the opening ceremony of the EU GI pavilion was held in Luzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center. Ms. Catherine Combette, Head of Unit for Asia and Australasia, European Commission Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Wojciech Ptak, Counsellor for Agriculture, EU Delegation to China, Mr. Georges-Henry Carrard, International Policy Officer, European Commission Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, Yu Xianhe, Mayor of Luzhou city, Wu Zhengping, Director-General of the Department of Foreign Trade Development of the Ministry of Commerce, Pan Feng, Vice-Chairman of the China-Europe Association on Technical and Economic Cooperation and more than 20 guest from home and abroad attended the ceremony.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and the EU and the third anniversary of the signing of the China-EU Agreement on Geographical Indications. The agreement, which came into effect on March 1,2021, not only protects the iconic agricultural products brands of China and the EU and local specialties and farmers' interests, but also aims to effectively raise the awareness of Chinese and European consumers on high-quality agricultural products and gourmet cultural traditions.


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