11月8日上午,中欧协会副理事长潘锋出席第二十六届上海环球食品展上的欧盟馆开馆仪式,并与欧盟驻华农业参赞Wojciech Ptak、芬兰农林部常务秘书Jaana Husu-Kallio共同为欧盟馆进行开馆剪彩。
On the morning of November 8th, Pan Feng, vice chairman of CEATEC, attended the opening ceremony of the 26th Shanghai Global Food Trade Show, and cut ribbons together with Wojciech Ptack, agricultural counselor of the EU Delegation to China, Jaana Husu-Kallio, permanent secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. Officials from EU member states, diplomatic envoys, representatives from associations presented in the event.