潘锋与捷克驻华大使 Martin Tomco工作座谈

      2月29日上午,上海中欧中心理事长潘锋赴捷克驻华大使馆与新任捷克驻华大使Martin Tomco座谈。双方中捷经贸、文旅合作、第四届中国国际消费品博览会、第三届中外地理标志产品博览会等议题进行深入探讨交流。捷克驻华农业参赞Ondrej Placek、上海中欧中心副主任黄薇陪同参加。


Mr. Pan Feng Meets with Martin Tomco

On the morning of February 29, Mr. Pan Feng, chairman of CEPCTE, met with H.E. Martin Tomco, ambassador of the Czech Republic in China. The two sides discussed and exchanged views on China International Consumer Products Expo in April, cultural and tourism cooperation, and GIPE 2024. Ondrej Placek, agriculture counselor, Huang Wei, vice director of CEPCTE, accompanied the meeting.